Sunday, October 7, 2007

All good things have no end

Mountains thrust up and then crumble, species evolves and get extinct, civilisation rise and fall, lives appears and are extinguished before your very eyes. It almost seems as if nature obeys the phrase "Everything that has a beginning, has an end" or should it be "Life is a cycle"? Or maybe it's just the Second Law of Thermodynamics, that in a closed system, disorder always increases.

What I'm going to do here is not to argue about what the definition of good is, I'm not that petty as certain philosophers that have nothing better to do. I'm going to introduce to you what might seem as a completely unrelated topic, determinism, the hypotheses that at any particular time, there is only one physically possible state of the universe.

Now just one thing to take note, Science does in no ways at all refute determinism, not even from neuroscience to quantum mechanics. A line, albeit a fine one to most people, separates the unpredictable from the random. Science has in no way discovered anything random, all that there has been is unpredictable till today's present technology. Even in quantum mechanics, what has once been unpredictable has become certain (velocity), using Schrödinger's equation.

What in Science supports determinism is reductionism, everything discovered be Science so far can be explain at a more fundamental level (except for the most fundamental one, which till today remains to be general relativity and quantum mechanics). Biology can be explained in terms of atom, although with lengthy explanations, but the main thing is that it can be explained. Why this supports determinism is because determinism predicts each event and interaction have the same root causes. The hypothesis has thus far never been proved wrong, making it probable that determinism is true.

What we must then wonder about is whether or not the universe has a fixed number of states, or an infinite number of states. Simply put, whether the universe is digital(with lots of parameters) or analogue. The point is that in a finite state universe, there is a 100% certainty that the universe would repeat itself again and again once stuck in a certain loop (and maybe we are already stuck in such a loop), while in an infinite state universe, it may or may not.

The difference lies here. If we are stuck in a loop, all things that happen will only perpetuate the loop, so all things have no end, duh! If we aren't stuck in a loop, all things that will affect future things that will happen although product of past things that have already happened. Therefore all things that happen would 'live' on in the future by the way it has influenced the future from the past. Either way, all things, whether good or bad, have no end.

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